Tuesday 9 August 2011

ArcGIS - Cascading WMS is a No-Go

So I wanted to add geographic information to the geological map. I have access to a long series of a nice WMS at http://www.kortforsyningen.dk/ which would be an excellent option. But alas, it is not possible with the ArcGIS server to publish a WMS based on a mxd-file that includes a WMS: http://support.esri.com/en/knowledgebase/techarticles/detail/35903.

This is pretty annoying - Cascading a WMS would be no problem if I had used MapServer. Well, now I am married to ESRI so I have to suffer the consequences...

Instead I found a georeferenced map image that I put on a transparent layer and add it on top of the geological map layer. Result is not as nice as it would have been if I could have used WMS from kortforsyningen but it is usable:

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